所在地区: 四川省 成都市
办学类型: 外籍人员子女学校
开设年级: 幼儿园 、小学 、初中 、高中
留学国家: 不限
BASIS International School Sichuan is located in No. 19 Pingkang Road, Shuangliu District, Chengdu, covering an area of 9322 m2 and a floor area of 8505 m2. All facilities are purchased and installed with the same standards as other campuses within the network.
该校实施小学、初中及高中教育,主要采用以科学、技术、工程、数学为核心的文理综合课程,高年级将涵盖 AP 及顶点课程。学校办学规模为600人,班额24个。
We can provide liberal arts and science courses for primary, middle, and high schools, with a focus on science, technology, engineering, and math. Students will also study AP and Capstone courses in high school. We are aiming to accommodate 600 students with 24 classes.
As the 6th international school within the network of BASIS International School China, BASIS International School Sichuan has already got a mature and long-tested operation system. We will refer to the successful experience of other 5 BASIS international schools and provide more exceptional international education by making full use of the advantages of the BASIS network.
We believe that with the successful experience and academic vision inherited from many other international schools within the network, the support of our exceptional teachers and parents, as well as our efficient management, rigorous curriculum, and high-quality facilities, BASIS International School Sichuan will strive to contribute to the internationalized and diverse education development of Chengdu, of Sichuan, and even of southwestern China.




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