
SHTCS 通知 | 上海高藤致远2022暑期放假通知

发布者:上海高藤致远创新教育 2022-06-29 18:54:51



Dear parents and students,


Summer is here, and the holidays are about to begin. According to the school calendar arrangement of this semester, we would like to inform you of the summer holiday schedule and reminders for the school year 2022 as follows.

放假时间 Holiday Schedule


30 June to mid-late August


The specific time and requirements for returning to school in the new school year will be released in time according to the epidemic prevention instructions of the higher authorities before the school starts.

提醒事项 Reminders

1. 假期间,请大家非必要不前往疫情中高风险地区,外出时务必做好个人防护,谨遵国家疫情防控要求。

During the holiday, please avoid going to medium and high-risk areas of the epidemic if unnecessary, and be sure to take personal protection measures when going out, and follow the national epidemic prevention and control requirements.

2. 树立安全意识。注意交通安全、消防安全、食品卫生安全和人身安全。适当运动,加强体育锻炼。

Build safety awareness. Pay attention to traffic safety, fire safety, food hygiene safety and personal safety. Exercise appropriately and strengthen physical activity.

3. 在享受美好假期的同时,请同学们合理安排假期活动和学习时间,保质保量按时完成暑假作业,以饱满的精神和充足的准备迎接新学期的到来!

While enjoying your holiday, please arrange your holiday activities and study time wisely, complete your summer homework on time with quality and quantity, and welcome the new term with full spirit and sufficient preparation!


Have a great holiday! Make much of the wonderful summer time. 




上海高藤致远创新学校(上海名遂培训学校有限公司)创办于 2017 年,是与绿地香港股份有限公司(全球 500 强企业绿地集团控股子公司)战略合作开设的创新型国际课程学校。 


贯彻“中西融通,践科学素养;修己治人,驭高科创新”的教育理念与使命,学校开设基础融合课程、A Level 课程和美高+AP 课程(“双 A”国际课程);并设有 A Level德国双通班、艺术创新班、体育特长班等特色项目。

学校成立以来取得可喜的升学成果,3 届毕业生均进入美国前 40和英国前 20 的院校深造。

Founded in 2017, Shanghai High Tech Creative School (Shanghai Mingsui Training School Co., Ltd) is an innovative international school cooperating with Greenland Hong Kong Co., Ltd. (a holding subsidiary of Greenland Group, a global top 500 enterprise).


The school is located in Greenland International Education Park, Shanghai Pudong New Area with ideal teaching buildings and advanced facilities that provide students with a safe and elegant learning and living environment.


In accordance with the educational concept and mission of "integrating the knowledge of both western and Chinese learning to practical science; improving oneself and serving others to create high-tech innovation", the school offers general integrated courses, "A Level courses and AP courses”. There are also special projects such as A Level German Program, Art Innovation Program and Sports Specialty Program.


Since its establishment, the school has achieved outstanding results in college admission, with all three previous graduating classes entering the top 40 universities in the United States and the top 20 universities in the United Kingdom for superior education


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