

发布者:HarrowHaikou哈罗海口 2023-03-17 18:00:58

2023年3月14日,英国驻广州总领事Mr. Matt Moody 墨泰先生与代区域合作参赞Ms. Jane Fulbrook到访哈罗海口,与哈罗海口英籍师生亲切交谈,并参观了校园。


中英文化的碰撞融,诞生包容友好的晨间咖啡交流时间, 又因为共享英伦文化的奇妙缘分,有了这场美妙的邂逅与交流。在休闲早茶时间里,哈罗海口英籍学生和教师与英国驻广州总领事开展了轻松、愉悦的交流,分享了他们在哈罗海口的学习生活趣事。



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| 墨泰先生

「  你们都住在学校附近嘛? 你们在海口的居住感受如何?」


| 哈罗英籍员工








总领事Matt Moody先生参观了哈罗海口校园。面对拥有全国顶尖硬件设施的校园, Matt Moody先生赞叹不已。












Swipe Right to Read English Version

On March 14, 2023, Mr. Matt Moody, The British Consul-General in Guangzhou, and Ms. Jane Fulbrook, Acting Regional Outreach Counsellor, visited Harrow Haikou, and met with Harrow Haikou British students and teachers, along with a tour of our wonderful campus.

During the morning, Harrow Haikou British students and teachers had a relaxed morning tea with the British Consul-General , sharing anecdotes about their study and life at Harrow Haikou.

| Mr. Matt Moody:

 Do you all live near the school? 

How do you feel about living in Haikou? 

| Harrow British staff:

Yes, many of our staff live nearby and the beach is close enough for us to enjoy water sports. As the school has grown, many of us have settled down and become familiar with different areas of Haikou. If you want a safe and secure environment, this is the perfect place! If you want to explore nature, there are also many interesting places here!

In addition, Mr. Matt Moody showed an keen interest in Harrow Haikou charity projects, and learned about the two charity goals of horseshoe crab and flamingo conservation that the school has just completed. He deeply praised Harrow Haikou for its continuous dedication to charity and public welfare, and for being able to carry out such in-depth cooperation with local ecological protection organisations in Hainan. He said that Harrow is an open, inclusive and and a strong contributer to the international community.


Three things that impress Mr. Matt Moody!


First of all, I was amazed by the facilities the school offers, which makes this school look professional and trustworthy. You can believe that with such professional support, children can be educated in a outstanding  environment.

Second, it's a very beautiful place with great outdoor activities. I am very happy to hear that teachers and students from the UK say that they enjoy hiking and swimming here. They enjoy Hainan's superior natural environment, seaside leisure, appreciation of magical natural species and local cuisine. From their words, I'm sure they are enjoying the vibrant life in Haikou.

At last, I think the British staff at Harrow Haikou are really committed to education and enjoy learning about and connecting with the local community.


In recent years, Hainan and the UK have conducted exchanges and cooperation in many fields such as education, medical care, tourism, and direct flights. A number of major projects, represented by Haikou Harrow School and Edinburgh Bo’ao Asia International Diabetes Clinic, have landed in Hainan, which fully demonstrates the UK's support for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.


Inheriting Harrow’s 450-year history and cultural traditions and providing more diversified international education for global outstanding talent families in Hainan Free Trade Port, has been Harrow’s constant pursuit since its establishment in Haikou. Adhering to Harrow's core values, Harrow Haikou hopes to continue to strengthen cultural exchanges with international organisations and further explore the possibility of cooperation with multicultural organisations in the future. We also hope that every guest at Harrow Haikou will experience the charm of this vibrant and happy campus on the tropical island.


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