
校长的信 | 请做好准备迎接学校即将开启的重大调整!

发布者:HarrowHaikou哈罗海口 2023-12-01 08:32:01





Letter from Academic Head



1 学校假期安排的调整

感谢您支持学校调整假期,使 2024 年 1月 3日(周三)列为学校假期,2月2日(周五)和 7月 5日(周五)由半天上课改为全天上课。我们的员工对此深表感谢。随函附上最新版校历,同时也公布在我们的网站上。

2 低年级与高年级的年级划分调整



Swipe Right to Read English Version










我校寄宿生和Y12年级学生已经开始参加爱丁堡公爵国际奖项目。该奖项备受大学推崇,是学生参与公益服务(慈善)、技能和体育活动以及通过这些活动培养品格的证明。从2023 年12 月开始,尚未参加该项目的Y10及以上年级学生将有机会通过AISL哈罗户外项目参加该项目。更多详情将在近期公布。


除了Y11和Y12 年级学生定期参加Mr Beinor的CAIG 课程外,学生和家长还将有以下机会了解大学申请信息。

大学访问– 英国利兹大学将于12 月来访,之后还会有更多大学访问活动以及举行线上介绍会。

Mr. Beinor 和Mr. Wells 将在全年为Y11和Y12的家长和学生提供预约服务,讨论大学申请规划。有关预约时段的详细信息将在近期公布。在2024 年7 月的超级课程周期间,其他年级的学生也可预约。

Mr. Beinor 和Mr. Wells 还将在12 月8 日的集会上为高年级学部所有学生介绍顶尖大学对学生的要求,以及哈罗海口如何为学生的大学申请做好准备。



家长们一直在与Ms. Doris Zhou 合作,为学生提供资源,帮助他们了解不同的职业和大学申请流程。这项活动被命名为“灯塔计划”,通过将家长提供的资源与有相关职业志向的学生进行匹配,已经开始为学生提供了帮助。感谢家长们对孩子们的无私贡献。如果您对此项目有任何建议,请通过电子邮件dzhouharrowhaikou.cn 与Ms. Doris Zhou 联系。


学生、家长和教职员工将很快可以使用萤火虫(Firefly)在线学习平台。该平台将允许我们的学科教师通过该平台布置、批改作业并提供反馈意见,同时还能让家长充分了解作业情况。此外,学生和家长还可以通过该平台访问课堂上使用的学科资源、课程表、院系竞赛、一般公告和即将举行的活动。更多详情将于12 月公布。


哈罗海口现已成为经认可的国际计算机使用执照(ICDL)考试中心。高年级学部的学生通过参加ICDL课程,加深了他们的计算机应用技能,为他们使用视窗、互联网、文字处理、电子表格和python 编程提供了支持。ICDL 资格证书是全世界公认的计算机软件能力的重要认证。这些技能提供了一个平台,使学生能够高效地完成学校和大学的学业,而不会让这些工具成为他们学业道路上的障碍。Y10 及以上年级的计算机科学班的学生已经开始参加ICDL 考试,更多的学生也将陆续参加该考试。



Swipe Right to Read English Version

随着时间的推移,我们力求不断改进。根据学生的反馈、哈罗校董最近的访问反馈、哈罗寄宿会议的培训以及管理层对实践的观察,我们正在对我校寄宿服务进行一系列调整。其中包括从12 月开始每月召开一次家长会,让家长更多地了解孩子在寄宿期间的全面发展情况。具体细节将在未来几周内告知寄宿生及其家长。



Mr O Wells






Letter from Academic Head

Dear Parents,

I am following up from the parent consultation held in person and through a survey just prior to the start of the October holiday. Thank you to all of you for your input during this process. I would like to take this chance to write to you and update you about the adjustments we are making as a result of the consultation. There will be further future updates over the coming months which I look forward to bringing to you. Should you wish to contact me, please do not hesitate to email via owellsharrowhaikou.cn either for an email conversation or to make an appointment.

1 Change to school holiday arrangements

Thank you for your support to adjust the school holiday so that Wednesday 3rd January 2024 becomes a school holiday and both Friday 2nd February and Friday 5th July become full school days rather than half days. This is tremendously appreciated by our staff. An updated version of our calendar is attached and also published on our website.

2 Change to transition from Lower School to Upper School

From September 2024 Upper School will start in Grade 6 / Year 7, with Grade 5 / Year 6 pupils remaining in Lower School. I believe this adjustment will benefit pupils in their learning and eventual transition to Upper School. Further details of this will be available from the Lower School in the near future.

3 English competitions

At Lower School, pupils who are ready to enter the SPBCN Spelling Bee Competition have completed the first round. As pupils progress to later rounds we will arrange additional competition preparation support. Spelling is being added into part of the weekly library session in Lower School. This is part of a drive towards preparing pupils for competitions within the school curriculum.

Upper School pupils from Year 7 upwards have been invited to register for the World Scholar’s Cup. In addition to the World Scholar’s Cup EAs, additional preparation has been arranged in school in the evening on Thursday, 16/11/2023, 4:15 pm - 5:45 pm; Thursday, 23/11/2023, 4:15 pm - 5:45 pm; Thursday, 30/11/2023, 4:15 pm - 5:45 pm; Friday, 08/12/2023, 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm. Harrow Haikou is hosting the World Scholar’s Cup Hainan round on 9th and 10th December this year. Pupils who are successful in the Hainan and National rounds will be invited to attend the world final at Yale University.

4 English development

At Lower School, pupils who have completed the Read-Write Inc phonics programme will now additionally start the Star and Accelerated Reader programmes. This will allow them to read books which are suitable to their current ability level – neither too easy nor too difficult – further accelerating progress and bridge into Upper School where the programme is also used. This will be explained in a future PPP to allow parents to be involved in supporting accelerating reading for their children.

The Upper School English team have re-launched the Star Reading and Accelerated Reader programmes. This allows greater tracking of reading progress. All pupils have an English reading book. Do ask your child about their reading book and the book quizzes they have taken.

5 Sports

We are working with other Harrow schools and our network of schools within China to arrange sports fixtures – home and away for all sports teams during this academic year.

6 Musical performance opportunities

We are working to arrange additional opportunities for pupils to perform in public. Planning our first school production for later this academic year.

7 Reception

Our reception near the North Gate will open soon. The reception will provide a location for parents to wait ahead of meetings, for pupils to wait for collection and for small inquiries to be handled promptly by our admin support team. The reception will be open from 7.30am to 4.20pm Monday to Friday.

8 Communication via WeCom

In addition to email and Seesaw we are launching a WeCom account for the admin support team in each school div. Parents with day-to-day questions can use WeCom to ask the admin support team. Where the team is unable to answer, queries will be passed to teachers or school leaders as appropriate. This service is available from 7.30am to 4.20pm Monday to Friday. Parents can directly contact with admin.

9 Parent appointments

In addition to the regular formal parent meetings, teaching staff at Harrow Haikou will be available for informal meetings with parents, each meeting will initially be available for 10 minutes per parent on a first come first served basis. Appointment bookings will be arranged through the Lower School admin support team. Further details of appointment slots will be sent from the Lower School team in the near future. These appointments will be monthly at first with the hope they can be more regular from September 2024.

10 Library

From December the library will be open Monday to Thursday from 4pm to 6pm for pupils in Year 4 and above who wish to use the library after school for reading or homework completion. Where a pupil has not been collected and the reception has closed, they will also be taken to the library to wait for collection. Parents wishing to arrange this should contact the Lower School admin support team so that the library team can be made aware. Parents are also welcome in the library when it is open after school.


2024/25 day school arrangements

In December this year, we will begin discussion with parents and pupils about the structure of the extended day evening programme from September 2024. This programme will include more opportunities for pupils to be involved in sports, music and teacher-supervised prep support. This will be connected to a review of EA and paid After School activities.

12 Additional outdoor play activities

To increase the variety of outdoor play options for pupils, outdoor table tennis tables will be installed in the coming weeks to give a greater range of outdoor play activities for pupils to choose from.

13 Bring Your Own Device monitoring software

In December our ICT team will communicate with parents the arrangements for adding monitoring software to compatible devices pupils bring into school. This will strengthen our usage control to ensure pupils do not use devices outside of appropriate times in school.

14 Consulting pupils

Following the appointment of prefects, consultation on the evolution of the school has begun with pupil representatives. This is a regular part of school life at Harrow Haikou.

Adjustment at Lower School

Lunchtime reading space

A Lower School break and lunchtime ground floor indoor reading space will be launched in December to provide additional quiet space for pupils to enjoy reading in their free time.

Nurses station

To reduce the walking distance from classrooms to see the nurse we will be opening an additional nursing station on the ground floor of the Lower School building. This will facilitate swifter medical support for pupils.f

Pool height adjustment

To increase the efficiency of beginner swimming lessons a false floor will be used to lower the height of the swimming pool in part of a few swimming lanes. This will reduce the need for flotation devices for younger pupils allowing for more rapid progress in swimming, coupled with additional water confidence and safety.

Adjustment at Upper School

 The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

Pupils in boarding and Year 12 have started the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award programme. The award is highly respected by universities, providing evidence for the service (charity), skills and sports pupils participate in and the characters they develop through these. Pupils in Year 10 and above not already involved in the programme will be given an opportunity to participate in the programme through the AISL outdoors programme starting in December 2023. Further details will be available in the near future.

University pathway guidance and planning

In addition to the regular CAIG lessons pupils in Year 11 and Year 12 attend with Mr Beinor, pupils and parents will have the following additional opportunities to engage in preparation for university.

University visits – we have a visit from the University of Leeds in December which will be followed by many further visits, as well as online presentations.

Mr Beinor and Mr Wells will be available for parents and pupils in Year 11 and Year 12 throughout the year for bespoke appointments to discuss university application planning. Details of appointment slots will be made available in the near future. Appointment slots will be made available for other grades during the July 2024 super curriculum week.

Mr Beinor and Mr Wells will also deliver an assembly to all Upper School pupils on 8th December to outline what top universities look for from pupils and how Harrow Haikou prepares pupils for university applications.

The experienced university application teams in Harrow Hong Kong and Harrow Beijing will be further supporting our school, presenting to parents and pupils in the coming months.

The Beacon project

Parents have been working with Ms. Doris Zhou to provide resources for pupils to aid them in their understanding of different careers and the university application process. The Beacon project as this activity is named, is already helping pupils by matching resources from parents with pupils who have related career aspirations. Thank you to parents who have made such meaningful contributions already. If you have any suggestions relating to this project, please contact Ms. Doris Zhou via email dzhouharrowhaikou.cn.


Pupils, parents, and staff will soon be able to use the Firefly Virtual Learning Environment. Firefly will allow our subject teachers to set, mark and provide feedback on homework through the platform, in a way which will provide full visibility to parents. Firefly will also provide pupils and parents with access to the subject resources used in class, timetables, House competitions, general bulletins, and forthcoming events. More details will be available in December.

The International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) programme

Harrow Haikou is now an accredited ICDL test centre. Upper School pupils are deepening their computer applications skills to support their use of windows, the Internet, word processing, spreadsheets and python programming through the addition of the ICDL programme. ICDL qualifications are recognised throughout the world as valuable certifications to show competence in computer software. These skills provide a platform so that school and university work can be completed efficiently without these tools becoming a barrier to success. Pupils in Computer Science classes in Year 10 and above are starting to take their ICDL examinations with more to follow.

Boarding adjustments

As the year progresses, we seek to continue to improve. A series of adjustments to boarding are being implemented following feedback from pupils, Harrow governors in their recent visit, training at the Harrow boarding conference and management observation of practice. This includes monthly parent meetings starting in December which will allow parents to know more about the holistic development of their children in boarding. Specific details about this will be shared to boarding pupils and parents in the coming weeks.

I would like to thank you for the continued support and trust you give me and my colleagues by choosing Harrow Haikou.

Yours faithfully,

Mr O Wells


Harrow Haikou



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