
3.14,无限可能的Pi日! | Exploring the Marvels of World Pi Day

发布者:BMH博观学校 2024-03-15 08:32:07

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3 月 14 日,是世界圆周率日(World Pi Day),旨在纪念数学常数 π(圆周率)。今天,学生们热情高涨,在数学课堂参加了各种活动来纪念π在数学中的意义。





World Pi Day, celebrated on the 14th of March, is dedicated to honouring the mathematical constant π (pi). 

Today was met with enthusiasm as pupils engaged in various activities to commemorate the significance of pi in mathematics.

One of the celebration's highlights is the Pi digit memorisation contest, which fosters camaraderie among participants. 

In addition to memorisation challenges, pupils embarked on ambitious projects like the Pi Cityscape, demonstrating mathematics's interdisciplinary nature and real-world applications.

World Pi Day is an opportunity to explore the wonders of mathematics and inspire a new generation of thinkers and innovators. To continue exploring the marvels of pi and mathematics, pupils and families can celebrate World Pi Day by trying out some fun challenges at home, such as pi-themed recipes, pi art, and pi-related games. The possibilities are endless when it comes to exploring the wonders of pi and mathematics.


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