
【十年特辑CISK Anniversary】Rainne´s Passion for Art

发布者:昆山加拿大外籍人员子女学校 2023-05-18 09:22:19

Creativity Brings Me Closer to My Dream


What is art? Some say it's the pursuit of beauty; others say it's a way of looking at the world; and still others say that art is the expression of emotions.


Who am I?

For Rainne, art is her dream, it's an answer to the question, "Who am I?".


Last year, Rainne participatedin the Global Pioneers Practice Program supported by the UNESCO Peace Center. After a rigorous selection process, she received the Outstanding Creative Thinking Award


Rainne was truly struck by the award for creative thinking. Her dream is to become an unfettered artist. What trait is more precious to an artist than creativity?


This award-winning artwork created 

by Rainne focuses on 

the theme of nuclear wastewater.


"I have explored the topic of nuclear wastewater, given my concern that its harmful effects are not only likely to affect the well-being of human beings but also pose a significant threat to marine life and land. I am convinced that we must take urgent steps to curb this form of environmental pollution and to safeguard our planet."


"My main idea was to protect nature and prevent the release of nuclear wastewater into the sea. Hence, the work is mainly light blue as the base color, with dark blue spread on it, which represents our once-clean sea. The dark blue is the polluted part of the sea, telling us that pollution is getting closer and closer. The strange facial features in the work represent people who have mutated because they have drunk nuclear wastewater. And gold is not just for decoration, gold means "shackles", which expresses the death and mutation of marine organisms caused by nuclear wastewater.¨

“我的主要理念是为了保护自然制止投放核废水入大海,作品中主要是浅蓝色为底色,深蓝色则铺在底色上,浅蓝色是代表着我们原本纤尘不染的大海,深蓝色是被污染的那部分大海,告诉了我们其实污染离我们越来越近。而作品中那些奇怪的五官则是代表了那些因为喝了核废水而变异的人们。而金色也并不是仅仅为了装饰, 金色是指“枷锁”, 表达了核废水会导致海洋生物死亡与变异。”

Planting a seed

Rainne's love for art and her idea of becoming an artist did not arise as mere hobbies. They were seeds that took root early on in her life.


Even during her time in the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Rainne was already finding ways to express her creativity. For her, the PYP Exhibition (PYPX)was less of a daunting challenge and more of a canvas upon which she could unleash her creativity


Rainne´s work won the Gold Award at the 15th annual ICAC

Rainne 获得十五届ICAC美术比赛金奖作品

In choosing the theme of Women's Rights, Rainne and her peers not only created a compelling PPT presentation but also designed their own logo, printed it on their clothing, and even produced a creative video. Reflecting on this experience, Rainne's eyes light up, as she recalls it as one of the most fulfilling activities she has ever undertaken.

“我们自己选择了主题,而我选择的是Women’s Right,也就是女性权益。我们期间不仅仅做了PPT,而且也组内设计了专属于我们的logo并打印到了衣服上面,还制作了创意版,我认为这是我参加过的最有成就感的活动之一,我的各种创意都可以呈现出来!”现在说起这段经历,她还是激动得不行。

Since joining the MYP, Rainne's platform for creativity and expression has only grown. Drawing on the personal and social skills she has developed, she produced a range of compelling PSAs for events including charity bazaars, career days, and Chinese New Year performances. Rainne brings her unique perspective and unwavering passion to every event. 

到了MYP后,她的舞台越来越大,越来越广。中文课程中的创作公益广告,个人与社会课程中的慈善义卖,career day,春节表演,每一个活动中,都有着她尽情展现自己的身影。

G7A Rainne

Luckily, Rainne's environment provided plenty of nourishment for her growth. At CASK, children are encouraged to explore their interests and are given the space and resources to do so freely. The development of an artist requires a free environment, and this environment can provide him with adequate nutrition.


The school not only provides a solid education but also allows ample creative freedom, which Rainne greatly appreciates. In addition to her coursework, she frequently visits art exhibitions and wishes for more opportunities to showcase her own designs.


After the seed has germinated, it may take a considerable time before the flower yields fruit. Nonetheless, at present, we are delighted to witness Rainne's budding progress, as she sprouts, thrives, and flourishes.


Author | Rainne, Vero

Editor | Stella, Susy, Mike


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