
CISK Monthly Newsletter: April 2023

发布者:昆山加拿大外籍人员子女学校 2023-05-04 09:53:29

Want to learn about 

all the exciting events going on 

at CISK in April

Read on and find out more!





Collaboration with




On April 12th, CISK Senior Leadership Team was invited to Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Taicang Campus and gave a lecture with the theme of CISK´s IB education. The team had a thorough discussion with the leadership team of XJTLU Entrepreneur College, including their Associate Principal, Stuart Perrin; Associate Dean of the Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Hub, Andrew King; Deputy Head of Central Office Li Wei, and among other leadership team members. Both international institutions stressed the importance of international collaborations and the development of students´ soft skills in the current society; and hope that with the shared education philosophy and resources, we can not only make both sides´ students benefit from it, but also the local society.

4月12日,CISK领导团队应邀来到西安交通利物浦大学太仓校区,并以“CISK的IB教育”为主题进行了学术交流讲座。学校团队与西浦创业家学院(太仓)的领导团队,包括他们的副校长Stuart Perrin、创业中心的副院长Andrew King、中央办公室副主任魏莉女士等其他领导团队成员就教育理念进行了深入的探讨。双方国际院校都强调了国际合作的重要性,同时还强调了在当前社会中培养学生软技能的重要性;并希望通过双方共享的教育理念和资源,为双方的学生,及当地的社会做出有益的贡献。


CISK Sports Day


At CISK, we stress the importance of the mental and physical development of our students. On the 14th of April,  with separate events for Kindergarten, Elementary and Secondary schools, the sports day was filled with an incredible range of events, from the obstacle race in the kindergarten to the three-legged race for PYP students to the triple jump and hammer throwing for MYP and DP. We are certainly proud to see our learner profiles "Balance, Caring, and Supporting" in each action by our students! 



Whole School Open Day


On April 15th, we held School Open Day. During this day, parents learned CISK´s teaching curriculum and teaching resources. They also visited teaching facilities and the school´s various co-curriculars. This is also a great time for the school and parents to strengthen their communications and collaborations.



University Fair


Career and university guidance, including full support for university applications, is one of the services CISK offers to its students. On April 18th, CISK hosted a university fair with representatives from 10 American and Canadian universities. Secondary school students and parents were able to have one-on-one consultations. They inquired about the courses offered at the universities, the admission requirements, the financial aid provided by universities, and other important details. Ms. Na Ni, a CISK parent, upon leaving the event stated: “My daughter is still in Grade 7. However, she has a very keen interest in the arts. One of the American art schools we are considering for her, after completion of high school at CISK, is at this fair. We are happy to have had a personalized consultation with them.”



Earth Day


Protecting the Earth is the duty of every person on the planet. With this in mind, PYP teacher Eoin Marsh lead an expedition of primary students on a litter-clearing exercise near Lianhu Park. Our little minds spent their afternoon learning to look after their natural environment and making Kunshan a nicer place to live and to enjoy the countryside. Great job, everyone!



Student Led Conference


Confucius said: "Learning without thinking is useless". If you only accept the input knowledge from others without your own interpretations and understandings, you can become confused after learning.

孔子曰:“学而不思则罔。” 对所学的知识如果只是机械的接受,没有经过自己深入的理解和思考,反而只会使孩子在学习之后变得迷茫,得不到收获。

In order to make our students reflect on what they have learned, CISK held a Student Led Conference on April 28th, in which students had to explain to their parents the content they learned in the current school year and learning strategies for future progress.


Student Led Conference can encourage students to accept personal responsibility for their academic performance; it can also facilitate the development of students´ organizational and oral communication skills and develop the partnership amongst students, parents, and teachers.


Author | Susy, Mike, Dr. Bomo

Editor | Susy

Credit to | All CISKers


Important Dates 

in Upcoming Days

May 5 - 幼儿园家长工作坊:IB课程如何支持幼儿成长

May 5 - House Assembly 

5月5日 - 学院集会

May 12 - Terry Fox Run

5月12日 - 泰瑞·福克斯慈善义跑

May 13 - Open House 

                Secondary School

5月13日 - 中学段开放日

May 15 -  ES Assembly

5月15日 - 小学集会

5月25日 - 中学家长工作坊:在读家长分享

May 26 - Parents Open Day (Class visit)+Art Auction

5月26日 - 家长开放日+艺术拍卖会

May 27 - Open House (Whole School)

5月27日 - 全校开放日

May 29 - House Assembly 

5月29日 - 学院集会

Dates may change.

 Please refer to the latest notice




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