
Outstanding university offers for Class of 2024

发布者:昆山加拿大外籍人员子女学校 2024-06-13 08:48:41

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In 2024, we are proud to announce that our seventh graduating class has received numerous offers from world-renowned institutions.

100% of our current graduating class have received university offers.

46.4% of the Class of 2024 have received offers from the Top 50 universities worldwide (based on the 2025 QS Ranking Scale).

82.1% of the Class of 2024 have received offers from the Top 100 universities worldwide (based on the 2025 QS Ranking Scale).


Student Perception

Emily Wang

By engaging with individuals from various regions and countries, I observed my personal growth and development facilitated by my teachers and peers. 

Interacting with classmates from diverse cultural backgrounds has broadened my perspectives and enhanced my understanding of different worldviews. 

"Believe you can and you're halfway there." This powerful quote encapsulates the essence of self-confidence, suggesting that having faith in your abilities is the crucial step toward achieving the goals. Reflecting on my time at CISK, I am overwhelmed with a flood of unforgettable memories. 

Olivia Zhu

Chloe Vacaru

My most cherished memories at CISK are being with friends, seeing each other learn and grow, and being able to study to the best of my abilities. The warm encouragement from all my  teachers, the access to diverse learning resources, and the stimulating academic environment all contributed to my personal and intellectual development. 

In my 6 years at CISK, I have experienced an education system that is different from the traditional Chinese style. The cultures and ideologies of different countries have provided me with a unique experience in the learning process, which has helped me understand various aspects of the world. 

Andy Zhao

Ada Gu

For me, I really enjoy every moment I perform on stage, especially in drama and dance. Whether it's in the theater or on the stage set up in school, my thoughts can always be released. They gave me a brief experience of different lives, and each such opportunity also laid the foundation for my future. 

I have been at CISK for six years. Overall, the happiest memories are every time I perform and participate in various activities with my friends,such as the haunted house we made together on Halloween, as well as the dramas we planned together.

Amy Gu

Jerry Zhang

In the second half of 11th grade, our class hadn't had a fall trip for 3 or 4 years due to COVID-19. We decided to propose a trip to Disney to the school administration, and we succeeded. I felt proud of our class for being brave and having our own ideas.

CISK helped me discover the best way for me to learn and succeed. Through the unique teaching methods, engaging classroom environments, and the support of dedicated educators, I was able to identify and develop my unique learning style. Thank you to all the people who made that possible!

Cynthia Jie

Cynthia Liu

"But at all times, we must look ahead and keep moving forward. Because only by being hopeful can we be invincible." These words resonate deeply as I reflect on my time at CISK. Every moment spent there is etched in my memory, from the friendships formed to the challenges overcome.

Overall Performance

Since the foundation of the school, we have been sending excellent graduates to top universities worldwide. Many of them have been accepted to prestigious universities in the UK, Canada, Australia, the United States, Hong Kong, and so on, such as Harvard University, Duke University, The University of Edinburgh, etc.

Dear class of 2024:


Hope to see your extraordinary performance in the future!







Emily Wang



Olivia Zhu

Chloe Vacaru

我在CISK最珍贵的记忆是和朋友们在一起, 看着彼此学习和成长,并且能够尽我所能地学习。所有老师的温暖鼓励,多样的学习资源,以及激励性的学术环境都促进了我的个人综合素质发展。


Andy Zhao

Ada Gu


我在CISK学习了6年。总的来说,最快乐的回忆是每次我和朋友一起表演和参加各种活动, 比如我们在万圣节一起做的鬼屋,还有我们一起策划的戏剧。

Amy Gu

Jerry Zhang



Cynthia Jie

Cynthia Liu

“但在任何时候,我们都必须向前看,继续前进。因为只有充满希望,我们才能立于不败之地。”当我回想起在CISK的时光时,这些话深深地引起了我的共鸣。从建立的友谊到克服的挑战, 在CISK度过的每一刻都铭记在我的记忆中。







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